Having domesticated rats as pets, my daughter and I find it very hard to walk down certain aisles of the grocery store.
Seeing the label RAT POISON to me now just turns my stomach. It feels to us like reading labels that say CAT POISON or KITTEN KILLER or DOGGIE DESTROY. (And perhaps the rat poison should add those words to their label too, because rat poison will kill any creature unfortunate enough to ingest it, not only rats.)
However, just because I have a tiny little grotto and rat-ling friends in my house, does not mean that I want field rats taking up residence in my attic or my garage. I most certainly DO NOT.
There is a wonderful, natural, very effective solution to the horrendously cruel poison sold to control rats and mice.
Fox or bobcat.... urine.
I saw Fox urine for sale at my feed store just yesterday and we purchased bobcat urine online a few years ago. Workes like a charm and there is zero fear in putting it out.
Yup, you can buy it in a can! Its in a powder form and you sprinkle it around or put small amounts on a little paper plate perhaps and slide it under a cabinet or put it in a corner.
No one is going to eat it and get sick and die. Not even our (or YOUR?) cute new puppy, who really might have chowed down on that yummy traditional rat poison...which literally melts the intestines and causes a slow, torturous death for any animal.
Just ask your vet.
I am most certain he or she has seen the horror of accidental poisoning of a puppy up close and in vivid color and through many tears.
Does this work for roaches too?? Is it safe to have in the house if you have a cat?
Posted by: Lauren | December 04, 2007 at 06:55 PM
The reason the bobcat and fox urine work on rats and mice as a deterrant(and possums etc) is because they are the natural "enemies" or predators of mice and rats.
Cats just won't "go there" if you put out a dish. I wouldn't put any by, say, their food or litter box!
No, I don't imagine roaches would care one way or another if a bobcat was around. LOL.
Posted by: Candace | December 04, 2007 at 07:15 PM
used fox urine a few years ago to get a squirrel family out from under our house. We tried everything else, THIS WORKED! Now we have mice coming in, so we are going to try the bobcat urine. We have small children and animals, so the safety issue is very important.
Georgia mom
Posted by: Veronica | March 18, 2010 at 01:55 PM
I do not like work ---no man does --but I like what is in the work -----the chance to find your self. (Conrad Joseph, British novelist)
Posted by: Ajf 4 | August 02, 2010 at 10:27 PM
"Hope is itself a species of happiness which this world affords."
-----Samuel Johnson. British writer.
Posted by: chanel flap | November 03, 2010 at 10:41 PM